Saturday, November 3, 2007

Bleach - Episode 146

Well as most expected there no fight scene on this episode... Continue from the last episode, Ichigo and fren at first though the little gurl was a human, but when they attack Pesche, Bawabawa and dondo Chakka( Nel siblings ) then they realise that Nel Tu not a human but an Arrancar! Quite funny Nel voice, from what I read at Manga, in my imagination her voice more like childish litle gurl with small voice.. hehe..

From that episode and also in my mind quite sometime... I don't know about you all. If that sand monster Lunuganga can't die( coz he made from sand )due to no water, Why he can't be an Espada? 2 digit arrancar also count powerful rite... Others arrancar even espada can die... Hmm maybe he can't travel to real world, cos real world got plenty of water??? Any idea?

Ok, back to the episode. For who not follow Manga Rukia and Renji came save the day when that Lunuganga want to swallow them. Rukia fire her ice attack and bloe the sand monster...

Overall this episode I gave 3 star of 5 cos I more love to fight scene and there no amzing battle in this episode. Maybe next time...

As usual, below is the 146 episode...

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3